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25 Creative Writing Prompts

25 Creative Writing Prompts

This year marks a momentous event for me – I wrote my first book! I hope it’s the first of many…and it comes after years and years and years or writing just for the heck of it.

25 Creative Writing Prompts

This was actually one of my first “real” blog posts. I’ve come back to it today to update it because I really think these 25 creative writing prompts sort of paved the way for this blog. This was the first post people actually read (yay!). If you want more, you can check out the writing prompts follow up post here.

Creative Writing Prompts

Some of them are silly, some of them are serious.  But they’re all better than just sitting around thinking about how you have nothing to write about. Right?!

And so, here are 25 writing prompts for your writing pleasure. Enjoy – and get writing! 


1. What is your earliest memory?
2. If you had to eat the same meal over and over again for the rest of your life, what would it be, and why?
3. What is the oldest piece of clothing in your closet that you still wear?
4. What material object do you cherish the most?
5. Tell about a lesson you learned in middle school.
6. Describe the most vivid dream you can remember.
7. Create a character ten years older than you of the opposite sex and write about their day in first person.
8. Describe an object in the room without mentioning it by name.
9. Make up a recipe.
10. Pick a controversial issue you are passionate about – and then argue the opposite stance (ooooh…I dare you).
11. Write a letter to your sixteen-year-old self.
12. Write a letter to your ten-years-older-than-you-currently-are self.
13. Start with the day of the week it currently is…and then let your stream of consciousness take it from there.
14. What is your favorite book, and why does it speak to you?
15. If you could have any skill in the world (that you currently don’t have), what would it be?
16. What was your favorite thing to imagine when you were a child?
17. Write a letter to the President.  Without mentioning politics.
18. Describe your perfect day.
19. Write a letter apologizing to someone you owe an apology to (if you don’t owe anyone an apology – make it up).
20. Why do you like to write?
21. What inspires you?
22. When do you feel your happiest and most complete?  How does it feel when you are experiencing this?
23. Describe your favorite sound.
24. What kind of work do you like best?
25. Write about the first thing that happened yesterday morning.
And if you’re looking for more, this book of 642 writing prompts should do the trick – it even provides a fun space to write in.

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Great post! Thanks for all the ideas! Stopping by from SITS! xo

Couldn’t help but pop by to see your post – I am an English teacher. 🙂 Nice post. ~Kelly

unDeniably Domestic

Great prompts. Saved a bunch of them in drafts for future use. STopping by from sits share link up.

Great helpful hints. Thanks for linking up to Sweet and Savoury Sunday, stop by and link up again this weekend!

I always have too much to write about and never enough time!! But these look great! Thanks for linking up with the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Party. I have pinned your post to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Board!

Very soon this website will be famous amid all blogging users, due to it’s pleasant articles

Thank you for sharing these. Look forward to using some of them with my students.

Thank you! Im a freshmen, sophomore and Junior writing teacher in Micronesia. Always looking for journal topics, love these ones you posted.

I started with the first prompt. I wrote about my earliest memory. I remembered more than I thought! On to the next… Thank you!

I just bought the “642” book and I LOVE it! It’s is so great to start a work. I find there is not enough space because once you get going, you will need more room. Thank you for the article. I stumbled across it on Pinterest.

Omg!!! I love those!!! They are helping me with a school assignment I need to do. Thank you for your help! ^-^

I’m in my second year of school and I exhort everybody not to squander energy on autonomous coursework composing, but rather to go to writer from for help. This will save you time and simultaneously your GPA will be magnificent.

Last edited 2 years ago by Adam Dever

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