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Printable USA Travel Map

Printable USA Travel Map

One of my goals is to visit all 50 states. One thing I’ve learned about traveling in our country is that each state can be so different from the next. Sometimes you cross a border into a new state and can just feel the energy and vibe change, and I love that about our country! I also love that there is so much to discover in each new place. This printable USA travel map is something I put together for myself and my kids, but then thought it would be fun to share with you guys!

Printable USA Travel Map

Printable USA Travel Map

As of the writing of this post, I’ve visited 20 of the United States (I forgot to fill in Massachusetts and Montana!). As of next week, it will be 21…we’re headed to Kansas City in a few days! And in October I hope to visit Chicago and make it 22. Almost halfway there! As a kid we visted Idaho. Or maybe it was Iowa. Or Utah. Since I can’t remember, I left those blank (I was really little and all I remember is that we visted a Great Aunt’s house and they introduced me to the cereal Apple Jacks, which is still my favorite today!). 

To use this, just color in (or outline, or decorate) each state that you’ve visited. I meant to color these in and I might when I stumble across my colored pencils again. I also had the idea to decorate each state…but I got lazy and just outlined them in rainbow colors, instead. 

When in doubt, rainbow.

Printable USA Travel Map

This is a useful exercise for kids especially. They get to have some hands-on experience with the map (I used to know where every state was, but I’m embarassed to admit I had to Google a few in my old age). Not only do they get to fill in the states they’ve visited, but it will hopefully inspire them to want to see more!

You can frame it, use a clipboard to display, or keep in your planner. My plan actually is to start over with a new one because I really think I want to decorate these states! Or maybe pick a color theme. 

To download your own printable USA travel map, just click the black and white “download” button below. If you have trouble, please email me and I’ll send you the file directly! 🙂 If you use this printable I would SO love to see it! Tag me on FB or IG at @carrieelleblog, or use #carrieelleprintable – it makes me so happy to see my printables in use!


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