Your printable Spring Bucket list is here! I think they’re so fun to display on a cute clipboard, but you could just as easily frame this (and use a whiteboard pen to fill it out) or just tape it to your fridge.
Also, YAY for me actually getting this out on time, as opposed to sometime mid-Spring, which, let’s be honest, is usually how I roll. I’ve implemented this new work flow and it’s no joke, y’all – I’m actually getting things done on time. I mean…mostly on time. Usually.
But enough of that. Here are some ideas for your Spring Bucket List (which you can download below – click the black “download” button to grab yours).
- Easter Egg hunt
- Family hike
- Volunteer somewhere new
- Get outside every day
- Train for a 5k (or a marathon, if you’re a runner like that)
- Take a vacation
- Take a road trip
- Visit family
- Visit a farmer’s market
- Get your budget in order
- Spring clean your home
- See a new movie in a theater every month
- Have a Girls’ Night Out
- Binge-watch your favorite TV show (here are some of mine)
- Go on a picnic
So many things you can do!
If you want the full collection of seasonal bucket list printables (well, what I’ve got so far, anyway), you can grab the Fall one here, and the Winter one here. And who knows, if I keep up this crazy ahead-of-the-game workflow, I might even have summer’s ready in a couple of months, too.
But let’s not get ahead of myself.
Download below…and enjoy! 🙂