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Printable Pokemon Valentines

Printable Pokemon Valentines

Oh, Pokemon. 

You’re there when I wake up, there while we eat breakfast, there when the kids get picked up from school, there when it’s bedtime…and basically there every single second in-between.

My kids are OBSESSED!

Printable Pokemon ValentinesBetween the cards, and the video games, and their favorite Netflix show, Indigo League (which is about Pokemon, to the uninitiated), we are surrounded by Pokemon. 

So I thought I’d just roll with it this year and turn this obsession into fun printable Pokemon Valentines. 

Printable Pokemon Valentines

Here’s what you need to make your own Pokemon card valentines:

  • Pokemon cards (I bought 3 10-packs)
  • Card stock (Michaels has a *very* good card stock that is only $2 for 50 sheets…I use it all the time)
  • Paper cutter (or you can just cut them out…or make the kids do it!)
  • Hole punch
  • Ribbon (OR, you can slide these in the baggie and just use some cute washi to close the bags)
  • Baggies (these are 4×6)

Printable Pokemon Valentines{Side note: I don’t remember if I told this story on my blog or not, but at the beginning of the year, my son’s second grade class held an election for class “President.” Jack won by promising less homework, more recess…and Pokemon cards for everyone. So, that also played into this idea!}

Netflix has a ton of kid shows, but I feel like Indigo League has been on repeat this last few months. It’s the only thing they can always agree on (Claire, on her own, loves to watch Mia & Me or Mako Mermaids). When the kids have screen time together, there is a 99.9% chance they will choose a Pokemon-related show.

Printable Pokemon Valentines{Another side note: Last year? I made some adorable sticker Valentines for the kids, and guess what? Jack begged me to buy him Valentines from the grocery store instead of passing out the ones I made. But this year? The kids are fighting over who gets to take these.}

You can download your own printable Pokemon Valentines below or by clicking here.


What do your kids love to watch on Netflix? Are they as obsessed with Pokemon as mine are?

Join us on Facebook for lots of free printables, meal planning and budgeting inspiration, and fun things to do with the kids!

Here are some other simple and cute DIY Valentines you might like (click on the pictures to go to the post):

Printable LEGO Valentines

DIY Star Wars Valentines

Printable Valentine's Day Labels


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Hi Carrie! I’m trying to download the pokemon printable and the link isn’t working! Can you assist?

Nice! Thanks for sharing at the #InspirationSpotlight Party @DearCreatives Pinned & shared.

Love this Valentine! Thank you for sharing at the Monday Funday Party. – Emily

What a super great idea! I know the kids loved them. Thanks for sharing at Funtastic Friday.

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