This post brought to you by Toys“R“Us . The content and opinions expressed below are that of Carrie Elle.
You know what one of my favorite parts of Christmas was when I was a kid? I wish I could tell you it was all the services I performed for my community, or the light in my mother’s eyes when she opened a three dollar bottle of drug store bath splash that I had hand-picked for her, but that’s not the case (not to say I didn’t love those things, but…).
My favorite part was getting all the Christmas catalogs and sitting down on my Gramma Polly’s couch with a catalog full of toys and a big black marker. I would circle, circle, circle until every single horse toy in said catalog was clearly marked as something I would like to own. Of course, that didn’t mean I would get them all…but it sure was fun to dream (random side note, I also loved dreaming about winning a Toys “R” Us shopping spree…I remember seeing those commercials and thinking, “YES! That could be ME!”)
Here are some current favorite toys in our house:
Both kids are WAY into Pokemon, and they’re both asking for Pokemon cards (because I guess you can never have enough??). Also, Claire likes to call herself a “Science Girl,” and that’s reflected in her pick for a Science Experiment kit. Also hot items: Razor scooters, the Nintendo Classic system (okay, that might be a hot item on *my* list, too…), NERF blasters, and Shopkins. Oh, and my kids want Pokemon cards.
Did I mention Pokemon cards?
So, I am totally excited about the Wish List, but I also thought I’d turn dreaming about toys into a top secret learning activity that no one knows about but me.
I’ve been trying to get the kids to work on their handwriting. So, I told them that they had to write out a list of all the toys they want in their very best handwriting.
Guess what? THEY DID IT. Nobody complained. Nobody whined. Nobody said, “I can’t do it!” and slammed a pencil down on the table. Nope. They just sat there and wrote quietly and efficiently, paying attention to detail (because what if they left off the “EX” and I bought the wrong Pokemon cards, right?!).
You can download your own printable Christmas Wish List below.
You can Get Inspired and find some great deals at Toys”R”Us (Black Friday is coming!), too – be sure to check out what’s new and get your Wish List set up before your trip!
Thanks for the printable. The kids can keep them for years and maybe we’ll read them during christmas as a tradition 😀
I LOVE that idea!