“All will be well” is one of my very favorite quotes. It resonates on a deep level and I hear myself saying it in my mind all the time. Another one I love is, “just be.” They both bring me back to my center while also reminding me that the picture resides outside of my busy mind and somewhere much deeper. With all that’s going on lately, all will be well has been on repeat in my head. I decided I’d make a printable All Will Be Well 8×10 in a colorful spring theme to hopefully bring some joy and peace of mind to anyone who would like to use it.
Printable “All Will Be Well” 8×10
As I write this, it’s the middle of April and definitely feeling like spring in Texas (which is to say, one day it’s hot and muggy and the next I need a jacket, but no matter what the temperature is I am always congested or sneezing from allergies – yay, Texas!). I’m going to make one of these pretty prints for each season though, so you can easily swap it out as the season’s change but keep the same message. You can find the other season’s here (if the links don’t work, it’s just because I haven’t made them yet – I’ll update as they’re posted):
- Summer
- Fall
- Winter
I talk a lot about being intentional on this blog, and I talk a lot about gratitude, but I don’t know that I really share how deeply I believe in these practices. They are, indeed, practices…I’m always practicing them, and sometimes I do better than others.
Being intentional, mundful, and grateful are anchors in trying, uncertain times. Whether it’s something as frustrating as not being able to get what you want at the grocery store or something as life-alterning as losing your job or closing your small business, these practices can help center you and bring you to the present.
I know, you’re here for the printable, but if you’re reading this maybe it’s for a reason…so let me share a couple of resources that might be useful to you right now.
How to get started meditating
Have you ever wanted to try meditating? If the answer is yes, then I can guarantee you that you have something to gain from a meditation practice. And if the answer is no, I can pretty much also guarantee there’s something to be gained.
Here’s an article I wrote about how to get started meditating. The short story, though, is that you just do it. It’s much less complicated than we try to make it.
How to get started with a gratitude practice
Another thing that I truly cannot recommend enough is a gratitude practice! Here’s a big collection of gratitude journal prompts that will help you create a gratitude practice of your own.
OK, let’s get to this pretty “All Will Be Well” printable!
You can download the 8×10 below. If you have any trouble shoot me an email and I’ll send you the file! 🙂 If you want to get some tips on how to create pro-quality tips at home with your home printer, here’s an article on how to do just that!