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Join the Letter Writing Challenge and Get Free Printable Stationery

Join the Letter Writing Challenge and Get Free Printable Stationery

Do you remember a time when we wrote letters instead of texting? I do. And it was glorious. I hope you’ll join me in the Letter Writing Challenge and write one letter a month to someone you care about. Each month, I’ll have free printable stationery and envelope templates, plus fun prompts and cute ideas for your letters. I hope you’ll sign up for the Letter Writing Challenge here. If you don’t want to sign up, you can check back here on the first of every month for new printable stationery and participate on your own!

Letter Writing ChallengeWhen’s the last time you wrote a letter? When is the last time you received a letter?

I used to write tons of letters. And I have a notebok full of letters and cards I’ve received over the years. But receiving a letter is a rare treat these days, and one I treasure. 

On the flip side, taking the time to sit down and write a letter is also a rare treat. There’s just something therapeutic about putting it down on paper, you know what I mean?

Letter Writing ChallengeRecently, I’ve started writing my 88-year-old grandmother. She lives in Oregon, has escorted me through countless childhood adventures, and now has Alzheimer’s. 

Alzheimer’s is a real beast, y’all. It’s the worst thing. Yet, she remembers who I am. She can still read. She still likes to get mail. I love to send her letters. The thing is, I don’t send them nearly enough. Lately I’ve tried sending them once a month, and even that can be hard.

Letter Writing ChallengeSo I’m challenging myself to send one letter a month to my grandmother in Oregon. And while I’m at it, I’m going to send one a month to my BFF, also in Oregon (and the only other person I occasionally still write to – we’ve been sending each other notes since the sixth grade!).

I want to challenge you to do the same.

Pick a person, or pick several people. Send one letter a month. That’s it! Just one simple letter.

Letter Writing ChallengeI’m going to help you make it easy, fun, and totally doable. 

Every month, you’ll find a new printable stationery and envelope template here, on this blog. 

You can download this month’s free printable stationery by clicking the “download” button.Download Button

Letter Writing ChallengeCome back next month for another freebie!

Be sure to join us on Facebook for tons of free printables, healthy recipes, and meal planning and budgeting help.

I also think you might like the free printables below. Just click on the pictures to go to the posts!

Printable Weekly CalendarPrintable Diary


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I am a 4th teacher and I am going to do this with my class!

I love getting notes, so I’m going to pass on the love to others by sending notes. Thanks for this inspiration!


I love this idea! Letter writing is simply not practiced enough in this day and age. I love writing and receiving letters. Now I’ll have adorable stationary to do it on! Thanks!

I miss letters! I remember how important the mail was to !email in college and how I looked forward to letters from my family and friends! Now, my mom is 94, and still has all of her mental faculties and gets around pretty well. But, she is losing her hearing so talking on the phone is difficult. I am going to try to write her once a week. I know she will love it! Thanks for this post!

I love this idea. I’ve been contemplating doing this very thing. Thank you for giving me the motivation I needed.

I just found this blog post. I love the stationery from the August 1 post. Thank you.
I also love the Weekly Calendar planner with the pineapple. The bright yellow is so cheery.

I love this idea and I have always enjoyed handwritten letters since I was a kid. I am what you call a stationery fanatic. Seriously! Thank you for the printable stationery. I will be using it!

How do I join the Letter Writing Challenge?

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