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Greenberry Shakeology Recipes

Greenberry Shakeology Recipes

We have brought you Chocolate Shakeology Recipes, Vanilla Shakeology, and Strawberry Shakeology Recipes – and now we have rounded up some great Greenberry Shakeology recipes for you to try out. Side note about Greenberry recipes: there just aren’t that many! But I was able to collect a group of recipes that I think you’ll love.

Updated on June 16th, 2020: Greenberry has been discontinued by Beachbody in the US and Canada. It was discontinued in summer of 2020.

I used to have a bunch of Beachbody recipes included in this post. They have swapped out the Greenberry for vanilla or strawberry in all of those recipes. So I feel like you could find any Beachbody recipes that look good and try swapping out the vanilla for Greenberry, as well (I took them all out of the post as someone pointed out they no longer included the Greenberry).

You don’t need Shakeology for the 21 Day Fix. In fact, you don’t need a protein shake at all! But a protein shake can be a good way to get the protein in that you need when you’re struggling to hit all those red containers. Here’s a post about some Shakeology alternatives.

Greenberry Shakeology Recipes

  1. Coconut Avocado Shakeology: The avocado makes this shake extra creamy. It also brings a lot of flavor and protein to the table.
  2. Berry Crazy Greenberry Shakeology: This is the perfect Greenberry Shakeology recipe for all of the berry lovers out there.
  3. Orange Sunrise & More: Citrus-y smoothies for your morning (and afternoon!).
  4. Tropical Greenberry: The tropical fruits in this smoothie will make you feel like you’re on vacation.
  5. Greenberry PB&J: If you don’t love Greenberry (not gonna lie, it’s not my favorite), try disguising it as a peanut butter and jelly sandwich! OK, not quite the same, but everything is better with peanut butter.
  6. Berrylicious: This berry-centric shake can be used with chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla protein powders as well.
  7. Peach Cobbler Protein Shake: I mean…peach cobbler.

Greenberry Shake Recipes

You can see the rest of our 21 Day Fix posts here.

Shakeology is great, but it IS expensive (for my budget, anyway). You can see a few Shakeology alternatives here.

You can check out my 21 Day Fix trackers here.

21 Day Fix Trackers

Copyright: bhofack2 / 123RF Stock Photo


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A bunch of these link to recipes that do not use GreenBerry or do not use Shakeology at all, and the key lime pie one goes to a list site, no recipes.

All your recipes links have pop ups that are now advertising I wine this or that… bummed because I need a good recipe for green berry and tropical strawberry this week. While waiting for my chocolate.

Really disappointed. Half of these recipes don’t even use Greenberry, including “Orange Zen” that you put a quote next to saying you love that they use Greenberry in this! 😒. No Greenberry Shakeology used in the first four I opened (and I had started out so excited). Not cool, not cool at all.

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