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Free Printable Pink and Teal Pumpkin Stationery

Free Printable Pink and Teal Pumpkin Stationery

Things I am loving right now: cooler(ish) weather, my Book of the Month subscription, and snail mail. I have always loved snail mail and I always will. My office looks out into our front yard, and every time the mail truck comes I run out and see what he’s brought me (usually bills)! I also think sending mail is a great way to connect with loved ones, show gratitude, and just brighten someone’s day. This free printable pink and teal pumpkin stationery is beautiful and the perfect template for your letters.

Free fall stationery download

I have several other stationery freebies, and some of them even come with envelope templates. I really love this chalkboard florals printable, but you can see all my free stationery downloads here.

What I love most about this particular fall stationery is the pumpkins! The pink pumpkins, the blue pumpkins, the teal pumpkins…you can use this stationery for Septemer, October, November, and any time you or someone you love needs some pumpkins in their life.

And the only thing cuter than pumpkins is a pumpkin with flowers on it, right?

Cute letter writing ideas

If you ever get writer’s block when you sit down to pen a letter the old-fashioned day, here are some cute ideas for filling up a page while still being meaningful:

  • Write a gratitude list of everything you love about the person. 
  • Use the stationery as a thank-you note or letter. You can thank the person for anything, even something that happened many years ago.
  • Tell a funny story.
  • Give an update on the kids.
  • Share some new movies/tv/books you’ve been enjoying.
  • Send a list of questions (this is great if you’re starting a relationship with a pen pal!).

Autumn pumpkins stationery download

You can download this free fall stationery by clicking on the black and white “download” button below. If you have any trouble with the files, shoot me an email and I will get you the download.

Also, if you love this print, you might also like my free fall phone wallpapers…I have one with this same print! 


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I just saw the floral binder in the Amazon Warehouse for $10.62

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