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12 Days of Christmas Printables! Day 7: Printable Christmas Scrapbook Template

12 Days of Christmas Printables! Day 7: Printable Christmas Scrapbook Template

Last year, I started a Christmas scrapbook. I love to scrapbook, but it’s hard to find the time – all of my scrapbooking these days takes place online, via this blog, digital scrapbooking, and photo books (in fact, I’ve been working on one for Claire’s first year of life for about eighteen months now…). But I DO want to keep up with one scrapbook, and that is my Christmas scrapbook (you can read all about it, and see pictures of it, here).

I intentionally made it small, and designed it so that I would only need to record one photo each year. And every year, I have a few little blurbs that I write about the photo to help me remember that Christmas. I decided to create it digitally this year and just print it out and put it in my book, and so, I thought I’d make my printable Christmas scrapbook template and share it here with you.

Christmas Scrapbook Template

Finally getting around to the 2012 page!

Click on the image to download your own copy.

Christmas Scrapbook Template

And because I had to catch up from last year AND make one for this year, I’ve got another one for you, too.

Holiday ScrapbookTemplate Blue and White

Click to download!

My album is 5×7, but you could easily incorporate these into an album of most any size.

And in case you missed them, be sure to check out the previous days of Christmas printables:

I’ve got lots of fun, free Christmas printables lined up! Be sure to follow me on Facebook to keep up with all the fun stuff going on around here.


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What a good idea! I am going to start this, this year!!

What a great idea. I’m going to have to go through all my old photos (some I’ll have to scan in, pre-digital camera years!), to make a book for my daughter and then give it to her next Christmas when she’s 18! That should be fun for her to look back at all the gifts she got each year!

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