Halloween wouldn’t be complete without dressing our furry, four-legged friends in a cute costume. However, those cute costumes can cost quite a bit of money from the local pet store. Thankfully, there are literally thousands of great ideas for DIY dog costumes.
{These dog costumes are awesome, but also check out all the fun DIY Dog Projects over at Dukes & Duchesses – she has tons of ideas!).
DIY Ty Beanie Baby Dog Costume – This has to be the absolute cutest costume idea for any dog. Best of all, it is super simple to make. All you need is some ribbon, cardboard, and paint. The website provides a template for the Ty tag. Seriously, everyone is going to think you’re a genius when they see your dog wearing this costume. Not to mention people are going think your fur baby is the cutest dog ever.
No Sew Shark Dog Costume – If you want your dog to look scary this Halloween, but can’t sew worth a flip, this is a great costume. Not only is it super adorable, but it’s so easy to make. All you need is some fleece, ribbon, a marker, hot glue, and Styrofoam. You’ll be able to whip this costume up in no time flat.
Fun Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Dog Costume – This is a super easy DIY dog costume. For this costume, all you’re going to need is a large disposable roasting pan, a green tee shirt, paint, ribbon, Mod Podge, fabric needle,thread, scissors, and Velcro. If you have kids, other than your fur baby, you can make costumes for them using the same technique.
DIY Mini M&Ms Halloween Costume for Dogs – If you don’t mind doing a little bit of sewing, this is such a cute costume. With different colored pieces of felt, you’re going to quickly sew up some M&Ms. The M&Ms are then attached to a dog’s tee shirt to create a super cute costume that looks like your dog is covered in M&Ms.
Easy Ewok No Sew Dog Costume – Who doesn’t love Star Wars? This Halloween, why not turn your furry companion into an Ewok? This adorable costume is so easy to make and requires zero sewing. For this DIY dog costume, all you need is brown fabric, twine, and scissors. It doesn’t get any easier than that.
Dog Vader, Bark Lord of the Sith – SO easy! All you need is some black fabric to make this costume!
DIY Dog Turtle Costume – You’ll like this one because it’s easy…and SO cute!
You don’t have to spend a fortune on a costume that your fur baby will rip off in a matter of minutes. All you need is a bit of time and a few supplies for a DIY dog costume. Not only will you save money, but chances are your dog will have a very unique costume.
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