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60 Day Budgeting Challenge – Sign Up Here!

60 Day Budgeting Challenge – Sign Up Here!

When you control your money, it doesn’t control you. When I originally created this 60 Day Budgeting Challenge, it was because I felt like I had found a solution to so many problems – and I wanted badly to share it with everyone. Creating a budget and sticking to helps our family to stay on top of bills, save for important things, be prepared for emergencies, and even fight less (how many times have you fought about money, right?). I am excited to share everything I have learned (and am still learning) with you guys in this budgeting challenge.

60 Day Budgeting Challenge CarrieElle

60 Day Budgeting Challenge

We don’t always spend as well as I’d like to. We’re human, too, and we fall off-track every now and then. We’re not perfect with our money, although we are always getting better and better. But we continue to budget every month, and this has been something of a miracle worker in our family.

Based on the system we use and the way it has positively impacted our lives, I’ve put together a 60 Day Budgeting Challenge.

Here’s how I feel when we budget:

  • Less stressed about how I am going to pay for things
  • More intentional about spending (I buy way less crap when I have a budget!)
  • Less tension in my marriage (how often do you fight about money? My husband and I are pretty aligned about money, most of the time, and we still fight about it – budgeting stops that in its tracks)
  • Prepared for emergencies (we have an emergency fund)
  • Ready to give when the kids have (ANOTHER) fundraiser I wasn’t expecting
  • Less overwhelmed or surprised by bills
  • Prepared for holidays (Christmas did not put us into debt this year), birthdays, and routine expenses like hair cuts
  • Not intimidated by future expenses, like college for the kids (the kids have a college fund we contribute to monthly)
  • Guilt-free when I go on a shopping trip for myself and/or my kids

Those are just a few examples of the benefits of budgeting.

Budgeting is not about having less and pinching pennies, although it certainly can be. Budgeting is about spending well and managing your money. The changes that manifest in your life might surprise you. Maybe you’ll get out of debt, reap the benefits of intentional spending, or even notice improved relationships.

Budgeting will bring you abundance.

And don’t get me wrong! We’re not perfect at managing our finances. We overspend sometimes (hello, weekend in New Orleans) and we often have to adjust our budget during the month for something unexpected. But that’s okay. 

We control our money. It doesn’t control us.

I want you to have the same control of your money.

Cash Envelopes Budgeting

The 60 Day Budgeting Challenge is free. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Emails with helpful content, printables, tips and “homework” to help you get your budget under control (including a reflective spending worksheet that will help you get started)
  • A private Facebook group for support, community, tips, and more
  • Free printable tools to help you understand your spending, get organized, and plan accordingly
  • Access to exclusive content for Challenge Members

How to Use Cash Envelopes

This is not gimmicky. I can’t promise that you’ll be out of debt or have X amount of dollars saved at the end of 60 days. Rather, you should expect to have a working budget that your whole family can live with and the peace, ease of mind and freedom that comes with knowing how much you’re making and where you’re spending it all each month (and the BONUS is that you may find you have more money than you realized…or, you may find some expenses that you can get rid of so you’re not stretched so thin each month!).

I would love to have you join me. You can sign up below. You will receive your first email, and your first bit of homework, right away!

This challenge is ongoing. You can sign up at any time!

Questions? We’ll be able to communicate directly via email and/or the Facebook group, but I will also answer any questions or comments you leave here, so don’t be shy!

I also have a 30 Day Meal Planning Challenge – you can join below! 




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Wow! Now you are making Spend Less binders! Love that!!! You inspire me. So excited for you and such a great idea! It will definitely be motivating to save money in such a cute way!

And, I love that you made a Facebook community to go along with the binder.

I didnt see a spend less binder in your store. Where can I find them. They look lovely!

Good evening. I’m looking to buy the spend well budget binder. They all say sold out. Please can you assist.
Thank you.

I’m close to retirement age and have never been any good at saving or budgeting. I want to be able to still do and have fun with my 8 grandchildren.

If I sign up for the challenge now will I still be able to receive the emails? I just recently found your page and would love to complete the budget challenge. Thanks!

Just found this and it sounds perfect! Can’t wait to begin!!

Glad to have you, Kairise!

Looking forward to getting started.

Sorry, I’m not seeing where I sign up?!

Really would like to do this and use the binder, but it says it’s sold out in all styles on the website. Do you know when you will have more in stock?

please I need you small budget books ASAP. where can I order few

Where do you get your cash system book. and how do I go about ordering of them

I couldn’t purchase the budget envelopes I did this years ago to get out of debt it works

Just bought the spend well binder can’t wait to use it thank you

I am a member of your FB group and never realized you had a blog! LOL. So, my question is how did you get your husband on board? Mine pretty much leaves it all up to me because he doesn’t want to deal with it. We have bought a house since I first joined the FB group. And I was doing pretty good with the budget…..until we moved. So before I sign up for the 60 day challenge, are the homework and assignments turn in work? Thank you.

[…] If you need a complete money overhaul, or would like to refresh and reengage with your current budget, I would love (love!) to have you in my free 60 Day Budgeting Challenge. You can sign up here. […]

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