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21 Day Fix Results – Round 2

21 Day Fix Results – Round 2

Last week, I completed Round 2 of the 21 Day Fix. WHAT WHAT!

{You can read about my first 21 Day Fix experience here for more details on how the nutrition plan works, what kid of workouts are involved, and how I felt about the whole thing in general.}

This is a huge deal for me, you guys! For the last six weeks, with just a handful of slip-ups (a two-day sugar binge comes to mind…), I’ve been sticking to the 21 Day Fix nutrition plan and exercise program. I have some thoughts and perspective (and results!) that I want to share with you here.

21 Day Fix Results Round 2So let’s start with the fun stuff first…Here are my 21 Day Fix results from Round 2!

21 Day Fix Round 2 ResultsAfter the first round, I had lost 7 pounds and 14.5 inches. I worked hard (very, very hard) for every single pound and every single inch. This time, everything was a *little bit* easier. I had a better handle on the nutrition plan and meal planning for the program. I knew what to expect with the workouts and I wasn’t as sore as I was for the first three weeks (but I still get sore from almost every workout, and I am currently on my third round…so this means I am STILL basically sore every day).

All that said, I felt like my body was recovering from the initial shock, and I expected results to come a little bit faster and a little bit easier for the second three weeks. 

In most ways, this was not the case. But still, I lost three more pounds and seven more inches, bringing my total loss (after six weeks) up to 10 pounds and 22.5 inches.

When I started to feel disappointed that my loss wasn’t greater, I reminded myself that in six weeks, I had lost over 22 inches. That. Is. Crazy.

Honestly, I feel like the After Round 2 pictures look an awful like the first “after” picture. But it turns out, they don’t tell the full story.

21 Day Fix Round 2 Front After completing Round 2, I was able to fit in five pair of jeans I’d stashed away because they were too small. I also pulled out about 10 shirts that I’d hidden away for “someday” – even though these shirts would have been huge on my pre-baby self, I had somehow managed to gain so much weight that I felt like a stuffed sausage every time I wore them, and I looked forward to being able to fit in them again.

I can wear those shirts and jeans now!

I can do burpees. Not pretty ones. They still look an awful lot like a toddler trying to jump. But I can do them. Mostly.

I have abs in training. They’re still hidden under ALL THE FAT, but holy cow…they’re hard! I can’t wait to see them someday.

I feel 100% better. My emotional health can’t be measured by a number. But the energy I have, the way I feel after I work out, the more balanced moods I’m experiencing – those are all priceless changes to my health.

I have changed the way I eat. This week, I kind of went on a sugar binge. You know what my body did? It told me in no way, shape, or form that it HATED MY POOR CHOICES. I’m training my body and mind to eat the right way. And no, I’ll never give up sugar or dairy…but those are treats now. They’re no longer “just the way I eat.”

21 Day Fix Round 2 SideI’ve learned that I can make 30 minutes of exercise fit in my day, pretty much no matter what. In over 7 weeks now, I’ve missed three workouts. One of those I replaced with a full day of hiking and being outdoors. The other I missed because I was traveling. The most recent one I just missed because I was lazy – and you know what? Missing workouts is harder than making workouts happen. The fallout that ensues from a missed workout – grumpiness and lack of energy and disappointment in myself – is just not worth it.

I need to make time for myself, and I need to make time for my health.

At this point, I have been following the 21 Day Fix plan for nearly as long as I’ve ever stuck with Weight Watchers and certainly longer than I’ve stuck with ANY other diet. 

Currently, I am on Round 3. After this, I’ll either transition to the 21 Day Fix Extreme or maybe try P90X3. I’m not sure yet, but I do know this – I am not ready to quit. I don’t want to quit. Normally, I feel kind of burned out on a diet or working out at this point.

Which means it is extra important I stay the course right now.

I’ve lost this same 10 pounds and gained it back again more times than I can count over the last few years. Making poor food choices and skipping workouts is a slippery slope. I can’t let myself fall into that trap. Not now, when I have some hard-earned momentum behind me and a clear goal in my sights.

I’ll let you know how Round 3 goes in a couple of weeks! And don’t forget to check out my first 21 Day Fix experience here.

And for some comedic relief…if you happen to be a Fitbit fan, you’ll love these funny Fitbit memes.

My 21 Day Fix journals are now available! You can track your daily food, water, workouts, and measurements. Each book lasts for three rounds of the 21 Day Fix.

21 Day Fix Journal

Find me on Facebook for easy recipes, free printables, super simple kid-friendly crafts, and things to do in Dallas. I’d love to have you join me over there.


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Awesome results!! I can tell you worked hard for every inch and every pound like you said. Keep up the great work. I’m going to check out your Round 1 results. I missed those in my feed. :/ Excited to see your Round 3 results!! YOU GO GIRL!!!

Great job!!! I’m going to go pull out my 21 Day Fix video and exercise now!!!

You look amazing! Love these updates.

Wow! I so needed to read this today. I’m on round 1, day 2. Day 1 was awesome and I felt like I was eating all the time! Just seeing someone else’s results is just what I needed to keep motivated. I have a lot more to lose than you do, but I plan to stick with it until I reach my goal. Congrats on the two successful rounds! You look awesome! Thank you for sharing!

Finished my first round of 21 Day Fix on Monday and had to share my results with you (then I’m dashing back over to read about your Extreme experience!). I lost 9 lbs and 10 inches. My husband lost 15 lbs and 12.5 inches. With results like that, we didn’t hesitate to jump right in to Round 2 on Tuesday. So happy with the whole program and the results! Everything just feels better. My stomach issues (I have IBS) have all but gone away in the past three weeks. I’m sleeping without the help of any meds. And best of all, I just feel GOOD! Thanks for sharing your story and for keeping me motivated with your results! I’ll pop back by after Round 2 with another update. 🙂

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