Today, Erin from Suburban Simplicity is sharing some home organization tips from her recent eBook, Simplicity @ Home.
Do you ever find yourself looking for shortcuts around the house? Later realizing those shortcuts caused more work than necessary. I am sharing with you some of the best tried and true ways to stop wasting your precious time and Simplify Around the House – starting now!
● GIVE EVERYTHING A HOME. Then you’ll know where to put items when you’re finished with them. Plus, you’ll know where to find it when you need it again. And you’ll reduce the clutter in your home or work space. This works for kids stuff too!
● CLEAN AS YOU GO. Take care of little messes before they become big ones. Wipe up spills, take out the trash when it’s full, and empty the dishwasher as soon as it’s clean.
● DECLUTTER. Declutter your life of the things that aren’t really useful or meaningful for you and your family anymore. Give stuff to those in need or throw it out.
● KEEP A FREEZER INVENTORY – Forgetting what you stashed away in the freezer is common. Keeping a list on top of the refrigerator with all the meals and kitchen staples you have in the freezer will help keep you organized and efficient when it comes to meal planning!
● PACK SNACKS FOR THE WEEK. Packing snack bags for lunches and outings all at once saves time and makes mornings much more efficient. Kids can help with this one too!
● PRESORT LAUNDRY (LIGHTS/DARKS). Have a laundry bin in your room and kids rooms so dirty clothes can be sorted as they are put in. Lights in one. Darks in another. This saves a ton of time when it’s laundry day. Also, make sure your loads are full to save on water and utilities.
● HAVE KIDS HELP WITH CLEANUP AND CHORES. Kids are capable of helping around the house, starting at a young age. Create a chore chart and have them pitch in. Research suggests they tend to have higher self esteem if given responsibilities around the house.
● AVOID CLOTHES THAT NEED IRONING OR DRY CLEANING. There are so many great options nowadays for clothing that doesn’t need to be ironed or dry cleaned. Read the tag before you buy and make sure it’s machine washable. You’ll save time and money!
● DESIGNATE A SPOT FOR “IN-USE” CUPS. Don’t fill the dishwasher with cups that have been used once. Designate a spot on the counter or window sill for cups that are in use and you’ll only have to wash them once a day instead of several.
● KEEP CLEANING SUPPLIES IN A TRANSPORTABLE CONTAINER. When it’s time to clean, you can just grab it and go! With this system, you’re never looking for cleaning supplies. Kids like this one too because it’s easy.
Bonus Tip!
● KEEP AN ONGOING SHOPPING LIST. Lists help you stay organized. Have family members write down what you’re out of if they use the last of it. This way you make one list and don’t have to go back to the store for items you didn’t know you were out of.
Once I started implementing these tried and true tips my life was no longer complicated. There really is Simplicity Around the House. That is what I want for you, my friend! I’ve written an eBook sharing household solutions and clever tips like these that are sure to help you start living your life more simply. Ready to start enjoying the life you deserve? Don’t miss out! Check out my latest eBook, Simplicity @ Home.
Great guide for building a sweet home.
I work at home so If found your suggestions is helpful.
Keep up your good work. 🙂
My best solution is to always put things in their proper places. Right away, not later. It may be more time-consuming, but the house is always tidy!